Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Quick And Easy Facts To Enrich Vitamin Information

Lets see: all you know about vitamins are that theyre good for the body, and that you can either obtain them from eating foods rich in vitamins or by taking supplements. Thats correct in a sense, but what you know is far from being able to paint the whole picture about vitamins. If you want to get healthy and fit, you have to update the vitamin information database inside your head and live accordingly.

The Definition and Function of Vitamins

Medically speaking, vitamin is made up of two words: vital amine, and it is an organic substance or compound which has a catalytic function in causing certain essential chemical reactions in the body. In simpler terms, vitamins make good things happen inside the body more quickly and with less energy spent. Without vitamins, the human body has a hard time making those reactions happen, and this could result to a partial or total breakdown of the whole system.

Types of Vitamins

Fat Soluble There are four vitamins that fall under this category and they are vitamins A, D, E, and K. All four vitamins are stored in reserve inside the liver and the bodys fatty tissues. They are released when they need to perform a special rescue function for the body.

Water Soluble These are external vitamins that enter the body when it consumes fruits and vegetable, both of which these vitamins can be found. The various sub-vitamins under Vitamin B as well as Vitamin C all belong to this group. These vitamins are distributed throughout in the body. Excesses are flushed out through urine, but vitamin B12, which includes cobalamin, biotin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid, continue to stay inside the liver.

Planning for a Vitamin-Rich Diet

The following foods are what you have to eat if you wish for a vitamin-rich diet:

Vitamin A Known as the vitamin that greatly enhances your eyesight (vision and color-wise), Vitamin A has other special functions like aiding physical growth which is critical during your childhood to teenage years and helping you to have and maintain glowing skin. Vitamin A can be found in foods like milk, carrots, and spinach.

Vitamin B The largest group of vitamins, Vitamin B, facilitates your bodys metabolism. It also boosts your energy levels and help in the production of red blood cells (RBC). Vitamin B can be found also in milk (now you know why you have to drink plenty glasses of milk in the past), oranges, beans, leafy greens, whole grain bread, and even seafood.

Vitamin C If you have a lot of Vitamin C in your body, dont be surprised when your wounds and illnesses heal more quickly than most because thats just one of the functions it performs. Oranges are the most popular provider of Vitamin C, but you can also get it from eating strawberries and broccoli.

Vitamin D This vitamin is the partner of calcium in helping your bones and teeth - stay healthy and strong. It can be found in fish, egg yolks, and surprise, surprise, milk as well!

Vitamin E This particular vitamin is important for everyone because it keeps the tissues in your sensory organs as well as in other parts of the body healthy and strong. Like Vitamin B, it helps in the production of RBCs. Vitamin E can be found in certain vegetables as well as sardines and whole wheat breads.

Vitamin K Lastly, Vitamin K is what helps your blood to clot together every time you get a wound. It can be found in pork and yes, milk.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information natural vitamin supplements or nutritional vitamin supplements checkout Blog91554
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